September 2020 CGC Meeting

It was decided that our first meeting would be *outdoors* under a pavilion at Landon C. Burns Park in Westminster. It’s located next to a nice big pond where people were doing catch and release fishing, so provided a bit of entertainment.

We had not met officially outside one tour except online using Zoom since March. Some people still are uncomfortable using that method or their computer systems can’t handle the requirements. Soe members are concerned about COVID, which is still an issue even though our numbers in Carroll County and in this zip code are low and decided not to attend. Masks were worn and people tried to situate themselves at a distance from one another.

Due to our usual meeting place  in Union Bridge being closed until 2021, we are searching for alternative locations which can also accommodate any speakers and allow for the social distancing requirements.

We all received our booklets ( or Yearbook as we refer to it) for this term with dates, programs and hostesses. COVID is going to continue make things a challenge for everyone, we know. We miss all those who were not with us.

Hostesses were Barb and Nancy R. who brought cookies, watermelon and iced tea.

Members attending the meeting had brought plants of all kinds for a fall swap and everything went home with a new owner.

Marjorie was kind enough to forward a couple pictures of some of us in attendance since yours truly forgot a camera.


Sue, Brenda and President Terry during the meeting

Kelly and Marian


*****Featured image:Canada Goldenrod, Phil Sellens,Own Work, CC BY-2.0 wiki/File:Canadian_Goldenrod._(Solidago_canadensis)_(3857206302).jpg

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