May 1961

Following an interesting and constructive workshop on flower arranging, the regular meeting of the Carroll Garden Club was called to order at 2 P.M. by our President in her home.

Upon hearing the reading of the Minutes of the April meting, one correction was noted–that the election of officers fro District 5 will be held in June instead of November. The Minutes were then approved.

The Treasurer reported a balance of $467.38 in the treasury.

Standing Committee reports followed.

Mrs. Phillipy, our Bird Chair; Mrs. Fitz. Flower Show; Mrs. Kable, Garden Therapy.  Mrs. Hughes, continuing her report on horticulture from April, showed colored pictures of Iris. Mrs. Hughes, on behalf of the Winchester Chapter of the D.A.R., extended an invitation to all of us, to join the trip on the C&O Canal on June 14th. A chartered bus will transport those going to Georgetown, meeting at the municipal parking lot in Westminster. Cost of the entire trip (bus and boat) will be $3.50. Each person will carry lunch.

Mrs. Sturdivant passed a copy of the times in which the picture and feature article about our Juniors appeared.

Mrs. Shirley appealed for assistance in staging the flower show. Mrs. Fitz explained the schedule in detail.

Mrs. Kable moved that we, as a club, become a sustaining member of the Historical Society. Discussion followed. Motion was made by Mrs. Billingslea, that the matter should be held over. Motion carried.

The following officers were unanimously elected for 1961-62:

  • President, Mrs. Truman B. Cash
  • Vice Pres., Mrs. Harwell Sturdivant
  • Treasurer, Mrs. John P Donofrio (Charlotte)
  • Recording Sec., Mrs. Arthur H. Peck (B.Bare)
  • Corr. Sec., Mrs. L. Earl Griswold (A. Phillipy)

Mrs. Hollinger thanked the nominating committee for their work.

After our President read a letter from Mr. Don I. Smith advising us that there are 35 scholarship applicants and a total of only $60 has been contributed this year, Mrs. Phillipy moved that we contribute $10 to this fund. Motion carried.

A letter from Mrs. Walkins was read, advising us of the following nominations for officers in District V:

  • Director–Mrs Frank Harris
  • Vice Director–Mrs. John Moser
  • Corres. Sec–Mrs Arthur Schuettinger
  • Treas–Mrs. J. Carroll Jenkins
  • Adviser– Mrs. Lucien Thomas

Mrs. Richardson moved that this slate of officers be accepted. Motion carried.

Mrs, Haines requested that reservations for lunch at Hoffman’s the day of the Flower Show be made not later than May 25. No guests of members, please!

Mrs. Peck requested that we give consideration to having practical programs for the ensuing year; that she had spoken with several members who shared this desire with her. She suggested that perhaps three members could each bring an arrangement to the meeting, taking the members in alphabetical rotation. Arrangements to be judged constructively. By a show of hands, this suggestion was approved.

Mt. Airy Garden Club Flower Show is scheduled for May 26 at 2:30. Contact Mrs. Vivian Sherwan or Mrs. Grisby if entering not later than May 10.

Mrs. Phillipy reported on the Semi-Annual District V Meeting at the Turf Valley Country Club on May 2nd. Seventeen members from our club were in attendance.

Mrs. Hollinger welcomed Mrs. Feeser, who had spent several months in Florida and announced that anyone wanting to avail themselves of the opportunity to study flower arranging under the guidance of Mrs. Crouruer, should contact Mrs. Billingslea or Mrs. Kable. Eight lessons cost $10 and instruction begins the first Thursday after Labor Day.

The meeting adjourned at 3:45.

Genevieve I. Cash, Recording Secretary


A dedicated flower arranging competitor

A dedicated flower arranging competitor




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