CGC September 1967

The regular fall meeting of the Carroll Garden Club was held on September 6, 1967 at 1:50 P.M. at the home of Mrs. John Fitz. The meeting was called to order by the President, Mrs. Herbert Liggon, and a cordial welcome extended the new members. New Members present were introduced to the Club at this time by respective sponsors.

The minutes of the June meeting were read by the Secretary and approved, with one correction, i.e. our District Show next spring will be a “Flower” Show instead of an Iris Show.

The Treasurer reported a balance on hand of $1487.54 as of September 6, 1967. This report was approved and filed for audit.

It was moved and seconded that we table the budget for this year until the October meeting in the hope that we may decide on a way to make additional money.

Mrs. Sturdivant, Flower Show Chairman, reminded the members that $80.00 will be needed for the rental at the Elks Club and $25.00 for the insurance in connection with the Christmas Evergreen Show. In addition, we must pay someone to stay in the building for two nights; new properties will be needed and an allowance for luncheons for the Judges, etc.

A motion was made and seconded that the Club set aside $275.00 to cover these and any other expenditures for the Christmas Evergreens Show to be held on November 29 and 30.

Mrs. Hartzler, Schedule Chairman, presented each member with an attractive and interesting schedule for the show.

Mrs. Oakley volunteered to assist Mrs. Curd with the Junior Garden Club for this year

Mrs, Fitz announced that District V will hold a money making project at the Tatum Art Center, Hood College, Frederick on October 17.  Tickets: $3.00.

Mrs. Talley announced that the Flower Show School would be held at the Towson Methodist Church on September 27, 28 and 29. The fee is $10.00 for the three days. A motion was made and seconded that the Club send the Flower Show Chairman and the Chairman of the Horticultural Division or an alternate to the Flower Show School.

It was decided to decline an invitation to Cylburn on September 18 to a coffee buffet.

Mrs. Liggon recommended that the properties belonging to the Carroll Garden Club be loaned to the Fifth District for their show at the Elks Club in the spring.

It was moved and seconded that the Corresponding Secretary write a letter to Mrs. Hancock, Mrs Earhart’s daughter, expressing the Club’s appreciation for the time and effort she spent on the most attractive and well done program books.

Mrs, Hollinger, Landscape Design Committee chairman, presented a bill for $227.31 from Mr. Donofrio of the Carroll Gardens for labor on the Historical House Gardens to date. Since it had been voted at the June meeting that the Club would pay Mr. Donofrio $250.00 a year for upkeep of the gardens, and in addition pay for replacements, Mrs. Hollinger will clarify this amount with Mr. Donofrio.

A review of the Club’s By-Laws  was given by Mrs. Edgar Barnes. The following amendment to Article III, Section 4, of the By-Laws was proposed by Mrs. Barnes:

I move to amend Article III-Section 4 by striking out the sentence “District or State meetings count toward attendance and should be reported to the Secretary” and insert:

Attendance at District meetings, state meetings or other Federated Garden Club meetings shall count toward attendance and should be reported to the Secretary.”

Several flower arrangements which had purposefully been made incorrectly were brought in by different members of the Club for evaluation and constructive criticism.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned, after which a lovely tea was served honoring the new members.

Respectfully submitted,

Gladys S, Magin

Recording Secretary





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