CGC May 2018 Meeting

Carroll Garden Club met in May at the Union Bridge Community Center. The program centered around an “Art in Bloom” theme in which our ladies were divided into groups, each using floral art to  represent their interpretation of a particular artwork. The assignments were handed out in March to cogitate over the approach to be used.


Brenda spoke about her choices of material used in this depiction of a ship : “The Rising Wind”.  The bowl matches the ocean color, Wild mullein was used for the mast, bark for a portion of the ship, Dusty Miller and dyed blue mums represent the waves.


Nancy R., Wilma and Audrey worked on “Yellow Bend”.  The vase of carnival glass refracts the light into similar jagged patterns of color. They used pink dogwod, daffodils, pussy willows and tulips to pick up the colors as well.


Marilyn, Nancy H. and Kelly had a landscape, Cabin on the Lake. Material used were dried hydrangea, tulip, daffodils, willow, yarrow and  ivy. The container was a wooden box to pick up the cabin colors as well.


Next are designers Carmen and Gayle. Nancy R.’s mother painted the fruit still life. They decided to duplicate the fruit and add a floral arrangement into the mix as well that echoed the colors used.  Carmen called it a “grocery store arrangement” pick of flowers plus some from the yard: dogwood, lilies, rose, alstromeria, mums, leucojum, bleeding hearts, tulips and lilies.


Joan E., Terri and Jullia designed for “The Hat”.  They used grasses, red primroses for the band, grape hyacinth and red twig dogwood with the pot color depicting the shirt.


Here are Jan and Barb C. with an arrangement using one of Roger’s (Jan’s blacksmith artist husband) iron containers. This was for a wood print (not shown). Russian sage, spirea and hellebore were used. Unfortunately, Jan lamented, the hellebore was determined to wilt!

This group was represented by Denise and Karen as Sally and Charlotte were absent. Karen is telling us about the symbolism she sees in this picture, a symbol of rebirth post 911. The pot is like the clasped hands,  shaped red dogwood for the heart symbolizes “devotion”, the columbine is “rebirth”, calla lily leaves show white specks like the lights in the towers, . There is a cedar bonsai and sedum for the suggested mountains and trees. Included also are brunnera and saxifrage.


Our last group is Jackie, Larkin and Marjorie who had this brightly colored painting. They used a painted black container from Goodwill with polished stone pebbles, a grapefruit for the setting sun, sago palm, apple tree branches and bright red carnations. Larkin remarked that she really liked the brainstorming aspect of the group design!


Our hostesses were Joan, Wilma and Audrey, Diane had damaged her foot, Jackie stood in. Table decor was fresh and pretty:


Whenever there is extreme attention to detail on cookies, you can be certain team Audrey and Wilma are behind it.

So cute!!



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