CGC April Meeting 2019

The April meeting was held at the Union Bridge Community Center.  Thank you to Karen for submitting photos as yours truly was at the Environmental Studies School that day.

The hostesses had an early spring theme with this gorgeous centerpiece.

They had small groupings of anemones on the tables on burlap table coverings.

As usual the the repast was delightful with traditional finger sandwiches, salad, dip and a lovely trifle.

The speaker for the program, introduced by Diane Brown, was Kay Sedlak, a long time Master Gardener in Carroll County whose topic was Gardening with Heirlooms.  She gave an explanation of the term “heirloom” with examples given of the various types. It is important to preserve heirloom plants for genetic richness. Several plants from the Heirloom Garden that were originally brought here by immigrants were profiled. Kay previously was the main resource for the former heritage gardens at the Farm Museum and now showcases heirloom vegetables in a small scale “4 Square” garden at the Historical Society behind Shellman House.




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