Category: In the Arbor

Members only blog to share pictures, jokes, thoughts, complaints and ideas

Visitor from another planet

I’m always hopeful of finding mantis egg cases and getting them to the hatching stage. They sure are cute when they are tiny. Once full grown, the mantis can certainly be a large insect. It has a most alert way…


Life in Pennsylvania

I think by now everyone knows that I have a fixer upper farm in Pennsylvania in Upper Adams County, north of Gettysburg in the prime fruit growing region. My husband and I used to go on junkets through the countryside…


Humor: The caricatures of Sue McCartney Snape

I discovered Sue McCartney Snape while toodling about online looking for artwork.  Her pictures are hilarious. “Sue Macartney-Snape is the award winning artist and illustrator of the ‘Social Stereotypes’ column in the Saturday Telegraph. This summer, she depicts the eccentric…
