Year 2016 Daffodil Planting

Well of course we discuss October events in December! Doh!

Once again, our intrepid Julia coordinated our planting activities and this time it was *in the heart of things–i.e. by the mall area ramps between 140 and  Rt 27. There was some concern that we were over-planting a previously “bulbed” area and indeed a few old bulbs had been exposed in the hole digging process but lets just call it “enhanced”. Meanwhile, do let us know of publicly owned road frontage suitable for planting!

This year our attendees were Julia, Brenda, Jan, Sue, Terry, Nancy, Jackie, Barb C. and Barb B. Did I miss anyone?? We were also grateful for the assistance of Julia’s grandson and Niels Christensen who came out to lend a hand.  I believe word was that we planted a couple thousand bulbs in the available holes. Julia provided refreshments.





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