Jan sent pictorial evidence of her interesting process for coming up with easy-to-do crafts for the clientele at our West End Place ongoing project:
- She writes: “I started drawing a “gardening “ snowman for a refrigerator magnet. But this little guy took on a life of his own.
2. Then Vicki scanned it and added lovely lettering. She cut the snowman out.
3. Snowman was mounted on foamboard. Jan experimented with colored pencils to give the sky some background interest.
4. Jan concludes:”
The clients at west end place, will add the hats and scarfs, and set them on the little easel. The easels were cut from some old file folders that another member of the committee gifted me sometime ago. The project is just a way to get the clients to talk and remember other January snows and think about the plans for this summers garden.
This project is made from scraps that we all found. The foam board was a dollar, other than that we spent no money, just time.”

In an interesting quick of fate, Jan, Vicki and Mil who work on this committee all have artist backgrounds!