Welcome to the New Year at Carroll Garden Club!

Wow,  it has been an incredible summer with lots of travel back and forth between Upper Menallen in PA and Carroll County. This is the first time I’ve managed to attend all the summer tours and I have to say that I am so impressed with the individuality expressed at each home. To paraphrase a comment from Julia: “I feel like I have to get busy!” At the same time, for someone who has never lived in a place longer than 10 year, it gives me hope that if I too can accomplish wonders if I can keep at it.

Meanwhile, here it is August and we’ve had a spate of a couple weeks of wonderfully mild weather. Cool enough to turn off the A/C and open the windows up here in PA! It’s nice to realize that in our area of the country, we can still look forward to another month or more of beautiful flowers and then changing foliage colors to follow.

This year’s theme is “Getting To Know You” and it encompasses not only our wonderful group of ladies, but our city, our county and our state. I have mentioned that I would like to expand our horizons outside of our regular meeting times. Plans will be under discussion to offer more workshops, to add opportunities for themed fieldtrips that deal with the various committee arenas and to find more opportunities for short term projects in the community. It’s brain stormin’ time!

Lastly, the biggest push will be to get us up on the web and it is my intent to make this an ongoing project to which everyone can contribute and which will become a service to the community and give us publicity. We will have both a public area and one that is private members only. Everyone can come up with ideas at the very least. Writers can contribute articles short or long, put up photos or illustrations, contribute local lore or stories, talk about plants they are growing, insect or disease problems , recipes using our produce, flower arranging–you name it! I am hoping to have the prototype to show you by our first meeting.

Here’s to all of us: may we look forward to an exciting year!



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