Welcome Our New Member Nancy Riddle!

1. Name:  Nancy Riddle

2. Who introduced you to Carroll Garden Club? Two very wonderful and knowledgeable gardeners…..Diane Brown and Gayle Mathues

3. In which area of Carroll County do you currently live?  We live south of Taneytown, maybe about a mile north of Uniontown Rd.

4. About how much yard space, if any,  do you Garden in? Any lot peculiarities or challenges you have to contend with? Rocks, bad soil? Noxious weeds?  Not enough space?  Perfection?  Our place is about 7 acres.  Beautiful piece of land with the rolling hills and a creek as western boundary.  We “garden” about maybe 2 acres –  I don’t have a sense of what an acre is. I use the word “garden” loosely”.  We have it in grass awaiting for an inspiration and time to do something with the rest.  Have a lot of ideas. Time is an issue.  We have a variety of challenges and a lot of peculiarities with it.  We have “wet spots” especially along the property line with our neighbor. The soil is good. We had a lot of weeds when we first started, but they have diminished somewhat. The creek is lovely, but with the heavy rains the side of the creek is changing. The creek is a lot larger than when we moved here 16 years ago.  Challenges are the rabbits and deer.   We dealt with the groundhogs and the raccoons.  Hopefully they left for good.   

5. Do you have an vegetable or herb garden? Grow roses? Azaleas? Have a greenhouse?   We started a vegetable garden when we first moved here and through challenges of weeds, animals, etc., it has improved considerably.  Fruits are the raspberries and blueberries. I had my herbs in a bed by the patio, but we moved the kitchen to the other side of the house and I am putting in a small “kitchen garden” with herbs and some veggies.  The spot faces south so I will be able to plant earlier. I try with the roses and have a few. I have one rhododendron which I planted the 2nd year we lived here.  It is absolutely beautiful.  Tried azaleas, however need a way to keep the rabbits and dear from eating the buds. 

6. Rows, plots, beds or pots?  Ordered, scattered, cottage style, formal?    We’ve planted the veggies garden in raised beds. And I do have plants in pots.  Last summer, I planted a pot of everything hummingbirds like and set it on our front porch.  They came and they were beautiful!    I would like to think the garden is somewhat ordered, but at times it seems scattered. 

7. Do you do much flower arranging or engage in garden crafts?   My flower arranging consists of cutting flowers and putting them in vases.  I do dry flowers–yarrow and tansy in particular and the herbs.

8. Do you have any favorite plants that you specialize in or must have (memories,pass-alongs, always plant one no matter what…)    My favorites are those that came from my mother’s garden….irises and peony.  Daffodils are also near the top of my list.  Christmas cactus one from my Mother and one from my Mother-in-law and also favorites. 

 9. Enjoy container gardening or indoor plants? Do you remember your first indoor plant?     Have a number of indoor plants…. An African violet, a Jade plant that came from my in-laws, and the Christmas cactuses.   A prayer plant, over-wintered the bay leaf plant,  a geranium, as well as some rosemary – but the rosemary doesn’t look too healthy now.  And ferns; I love the ferns and have a several.

 10. Are you a native of Maryland? Tell us a little something about your journey here.   No, I am not a native of MD, but of Pennsylvania… Hershey PA.  My husband and I moved to Wisconsin when we were just married a few years.  We lived in WI for close to 30 years, adapting to the weather, of course and raising our 3 kids in WI.  The company my husband worked for was not doing  well.  An opportunity came along in the year of 2000.  In March of 2000, our daughter married, in June our youngest son graduated from high school, in July my hubby moved out to live with my Dad so he could commute to his new job in MD.  My youngest son and I came out at the end of August.  He saw the house and place, then we drove him to FL to go to school.  We became empty nesters.  It was quite the journey!    The Lord was gracious to us.  Both of our fathers were still living and living closer we were able to see them more often and care for them.  Our youngest son, who I didn’t think would stay here, found a lovely young woman who became his wife.  They live nearby with their 7 kids.  Our daughter and hubby who lived in Chicago IL moved to NC , so we are able to see them  and their 3 kids.

11. Tell us anything about yourself-hobbies, family, pets, work, education—that you care to share!  I enjoy cooking and gardening.  Our pets happen to be my 4 chickies.  My “work” is with the children’s ministry at Westminster Bible Church.    And I delight and thoroughly enjoy our 10 grandkids.

Thanks, Nancy for helping us to get to know you! We’re so happy you came on board!

Framed Nancy Riddle


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