Welcome Karen Rock!

Our newest members were mailed an Q&A introductory so that we could get to know them better. Karen is the first with a complete bio and pix to use in the blog and had even sent me photos back in December! Way to go Karen!
1. Your name: Karen Rock
2. Who introduced you to Carroll Garden Club?  (kudos to them!) Julia Landrum.
3. In which area of Carroll County do you currently live? Silver Run/Pa line
4. About how much yard space, if any,  do you Garden in? Any lot peculiarities or challenges you have to contend with? Rocks, bad soil? Noxious weeds?  Not enough space?  Perfection? I have two and half acres and am constantly making new gardens.  Challenges? Yes, a dog that digs holes.  Most gardens have amended soil, and compost, as well as the raised beds.
5. Do you have an vegetable or herb garden? Grow roses? Azaleas? Have a greenhouse? All of the above, plus a pond.   Erected a kit greenhouse last summer, Grandio 8×12.  Love it, lots of great space.  Three window vents and solar fan.  My escape ( my She-Cave)! Love that the sun is warming the greenhouse to a nice 85 degrees, while there are freezing winter temperatures outside.
6. Rows, plots, beds or pots?  Ordered, scattered, cottage style, formal? I would say mostly plots (asparagus beds)  and raised beds for tomatoes, lettuces, spinach, but not organized for other veggies yet.
7. Do you do much flower arranging or engage in garden crafts? Yes to both.
8. Do you have any favorite plants that you specialize in or must have (memories,pass-alongs, always plant one no matter what…) Always, the Sunflower, all varieties of them, and colors!  Fond memories of my uncle growing them, fields upon fields of them ..as a child I saw their large heads of smiling faces turn towards the sun, seemed to be dancing like a Disney cartoon.
9. Enjoy container gardening or indoor plants? Do you remember your first indoor plant? Yes, have many hanging baskets hanging from wood beams inside my cedar A-frame home…Christmas Cactus,  fuschia, cacti and succulents, various house plants.  Come-in-out-of-the-cold plants: Mandevilla, amaryllis, water plants, and water lilies from my lovely pond.
10 Are you a native of Maryland? Tell us a little something about your journey here. Yes, born in Baltimore Co, Catonsville.
11. Tell us anything about yourself-hobbies, family, pets, work, education—that you care to share!  Hobbies – knitting, stained glass, pond and koi-keeping, greenhouse gardening, flower planting, orchard keeping.  Any digging and planning for flowers, veggies makes me happy😌. Family…husband,two dogs, black Lab, and terrier mix, and three adopted kitties. Work? Retired from courier for Fed Ex in 2012.

Thanks, Karen! We are thrilled that you chose to join Carroll Garden Club!



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