Wake Up!!

It’s that time of year again…Decent weather means we congregate at West End Place and do some spring cleaning. Brenda has taken on the e-mail notification task to gather our tools and enjoy the camaraderie for 2 hours.

So, the worker bees so far are Brenda, Barb, Jan, Sue and two recently joined members Karen Rock and Nancy Riddle. Thanks for pitching in, gals!

The daffodils are out; I suspect their addition to the garden may well be from our Nancy Heiberg over the years. We also saw some Lenten Roses. It was pretty early for other things to emerge as of yet.

Nancy brought decorations for the metal sculpture. We raked and bagged leaves, picked up branches, whacked down the mondo grass,dug out the early weeds.

Next garden workday is this coming Thursday: April 4th.


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