Maybe not “officially” a sanctuary but it sure seems like Julia and Buddy have managed to assist in creating an environment that while in a suburban setting, is attracting birds most of us never get to see in our own yards. So, they are to be applauded.
Those of you who attended the evening event at West End Place, may have seen some of these pictures. Buddy’s photographs look like those in Birds and Blooms magazine and he certainly has a flair for capturing these feathered denizens of their yard in action. I recall Julia telling us that she purchases mealworms and obviously the tall growing Scarlet Runner beans she plants attract hummingbirds. They live fairly close to the reservoir, so that would account for the Bald Eagle being in the vicinity. I would love to know about the Bunting and the Grosbeak or the Red Headed Woodpecker?! –what is in your yard that is attracting them. Good job, the Landrums!
Click to enlarge photos
- A Bald Eagle!
- What a gorgeous Blue Bunting!
- Blue Bird feeding its young
- Red Headed Woodpecker
- Rose Breasted Grosbeak
Here is Julia in her element. She comments: “The garden picture was to show the beautiful larkspur that volunteered again this year. It has been great and is in several locations. some I have had to pull up as real garden veggies needed the space. He captured me working and the angle of the picture showed the hedge row flower bed.”
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