Julia Landrum coordinated efforts with the highway department for Carroll Garden Club to plant another area along Rt 140 heading west toward Taneytown. We worked an area beyond Baugher’s, the next “Native Meadow” section past last years spot. I was told these bulbs were likely “Dutch Master” variety; they brought a few bags totaling around 3000 bulbs. I think we may have planted somewhere between 1500-2000 but Julia will confirm the actual tally.
It was so bright, we could scarcely see the ground as the shadows and light were so extreme that morning. Those who participated were Julia, Brenda, Diane, Sue, Jan, Nancy, Marjorie and Charlotte. We worked in teams, the front person dropping the bulb into holes or enlarging holes (predrilled) and the followup person troweling compost in and squooshing everything in place. It was quite a large area to work in and my pictures only show the section from the refreshment table looking east toward Westminster–not behind us as the sun was too bright. We arrived at 9 and stopped around 11:30. Some (Brenda!) would have kept going alone, but we wanted to be able to straighten our backs again.
Thanks for all the effort, Carroll Garden Club worker bees!! Wait until Spring!
Photos of the bulb planting. Some had to leave early and were not captured in pix.
- Early arrivals
- Ladies at Work
- Assume the position
- How it’s done
- La di da.
- Taking a break
- Energizer Bunny Bren.