Testing the website as a CONTRIBUTOR

I just created an alter ego for myself to see what the dashboard looks like for Contributors.

Up at the top, in the black bar is “Carroll Garden Club”.

There is a drop down dashboard that includes some extraneous things like Jetpack (ignore it).

POSTS is what you want for now.  I am surprised to see no Pages or Media. Apparently that must be at another level of User

I haven’t tried Publications yet, but I am hoping that will be useful to port in the Minutes and other written materials generated by us intra club biz.

Comments is obvious.

Rideshares in potentially for Carpooling.

Maps Marker is for generating maps within posts.

Not sure what profile is unless it is about you, the user.

Tools has a couple of interesting things to grab items off pages (can’t look at Profiles or Tools without losing this post or saving and returning.)

Calendar will allow you to put things on the calendar and assign categories if necessary (main ones have been created already).


On the right in the sidebar is Access control. If you want to keep it private, just click only accessible by members. Keep format “standard” or aside (no title-like a FB status post or twitter).  You can keep the categories (check box ) at Uncategorized if you aren’t certain.  Then “save draft”.  It comes to me since as admin I rank you all. (ha ha ha ha ha!)

I think I will set up a category in the menu for Website Testing so that people can play with this until they feel comfortable.




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