Squash Overload

Those of us who grow summer squash–the ubiquitous zucchini especially–have to be creative to find ways to use them because they are so freaking prolific! Like cucumbers, they have a way of blending into the surrounding stems and leaves so that it seems as though suddenly you are faced with a gigantic monstrosity when it has been there all along.

I consider this as having entered the over-large category that ends up on neighbor’s porches:

You could grate it for zuke breads.

You could grate it for zuke breads.

My neighbor, as mentioned in a prior post, has pigs. So I can take the “missed opportunities” over to the porkers to eat. They probably enjoy a little change in their diet now and then. Like Julia’s odd squash that she shared,  I have seen what looks like squash vines coming up in a currently vacant pen where we threw squash previously which will no doubt bear some strange squash crosses.

I try to pick the summer squash very small, with the flower still attached at times, to make dealing with them manageable. I stuffed some mid-sized ones with that boxed rice jambalaya mix with turkey sausage added. My dear one loved that. Having just returned from a mere 2 days in Maryland, I harvested a full basket of summer squash–oh my! What to do?!

Brenda has offered her recipe for the gift of overabundant squash which I include here and hope some of you might chime in with your own in the comment section below.

**Also: Our Brenda is getting knee work done this week so send her good thoughts!**


Brenda’s Zucchini Relish

10 cups zucchini (grated)

4 cups onions (finely chopped)

1 red pepper (finely chopped)

1 green pepper(finely chopped)

5 Tbsp. of salt

Put the first 4 ingred. in a bowl, sprinkle with the salt and refrig. overnight.

The next morning rinse and drain real good. I squeeze mine very hard in my hands. Then make the sauce.

For sauce mix:

6 cups sugar

1 tsp nutmeg

1 tsp dry mustard

1 tsp turmeric

2 tsp celery seed

1/2 tsp pepper

1 Tbsp corn starch

2 1/4 cups apple cider vinegar

Heat until sugar melts; add the zucchini mix. Cook for 10-15 mins. after it comes to a boil.

Jar in pints and seal. No need to process. Makes about 5 pints.



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