Spring Walkabout at Cylburn

One of the perks of attending the Environmental Studies School is that it includes a “fieldtrip”-in this case a walk through the arboretum with a horticulture guide. The last school attended was in the Fall at the same location, but of course that season is quite different from early spring–and we did have a rather cool extended spring this year!  It seems like Spring is a time when we are more likely to look at the ground because so much is emerging and unfurling. The leaf colors are soft and ephemeral tones. In a place like Cylburn with its long history and many gardeners, the sweeps of perennials have achieved the lovely mass that those of us with smaller gardens can only lust for.

Here are a few of the pictures taken during our outing so that readers can get a sense of that day in April. (Cick for slideshow)


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