In a previous post, we introduced the new Environmental Studies school. Carroll Garden Club’s vice president, Marjorie Schiebel has just completed Environmental Course II and sent us some photos of a fieldtrip where we can see what goes on inside a recycling facility.
She writes:
“One of the four schools offered by the Federated Garden Clubs is called Environmental Studies. Last week I attended one of their sessions. I found it very interesting and wanted to tell you about the program. However if you are prevented from leaving your house because of the snow then I suggest you spend some time reading the information provided at this hot link: Recycle
Some of the topics covered in this, the second course, were: Ecology-Land-Horticulture, Conservation-Landscaping and Rain Gardens, Environmental Science-Resources, Source Reduction of Pollution, Protection of the Chesapeake Bay, Gardening with Nature, and Wildlife – Misunderstood Animals.
On the second day of the course, we went to tour Montgomery County Recycling Center.( See photographs.) I have also been on several occasions to the recycling center for Carroll County which is located at 1400 Baltimore Blvd. ( Rt 140) in Westminster. These centers deal with glass, metal and aluminum, paper and cardboard, plastic, get off a mailing list, batteries, medication, yard trimmings, styrofoam and many other products. Please read the recycling web site or attend one of these courses provided by our state garden clubs”
Marjorie Schiebel
- Standard household recyclables
- Latex paints can be donated for further use
- The controller
- Looks like a washing process
- Wash and sort
- Lined up in front of conveyor
- Workers at the plant