September 2017 Meeting

After our summer respite of garden tours, we resumed our traditional monthly meetings at Union Bridge Community Center in September. We were welcomed by our new officers: Brenda, Jackie, Karen, Nancy and Diane. Three of them would be giving the program on Propagation.

Our Secretary,Vice President and President watching Diane

We received our new Yearbooks from Membership chair, Pat, who is very organized. Candid photos…

Our hostesses were these lovely ladies: Larkin*, Denise, Carmen** and Charlotte. *We are thrilled to have retained the delightful Larkin who relocated to Frederick County. Plus, Our **Carmen became an Honorary Member at this meeting.

Because it looks so yummy, we’ll show the dessert table first. If I recall, the apple cake was made by Charlotte and it was choice. And those chocolate chip cookies (Denise?!)-wow.

And the cute smaller table arrangements, likely from Carmen’s garden.

The hostesses provided crock pot barbecue choices with rolls, slaw and potato salad.

The main table floral arrangement looked like a swag had been wrapped around it. Carmen’s unique artistry again, I bet.  Here’s  a closeup:

Our propagation program began with President Brenda describing her mode of seed propagation. Lucky Brenda has a greenhouse (envy) so she has multi-season capacity for plant starts. But, she showcased her indoor system using special tables with their own lights and a styrofoam pop-out seed tray.

Vice President Jackie discussed how she makes root cuttings to propagate plants. (Jackie uses her hands descriptively while instructing us and it was hard not to get a blurred photo–sorry.)

Last, came Treasurer Diane, who showed us how to divide plants, including this heavy challenging hosta. One really has to saw through those tough dense root systems!  I did take one scary picture of Di brandishing her knife threateningly, but this is a family publication…

We had a fine turnout and all had a good time. Some left with bits of plant starts and cookies in baggies contributed by Charlotte. What’s not to like?

Some of our members in half of the room.





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