Our program for the September meeting asked members to scour their gardens for their best annuals and perennials and bring indoor plants that would pass muster at a flower show. In addition, the design challenge asked for a miniature style: using a “Teacup Design” that would measure no larger than 10 inches. Members learned to read a sample SCHEDULE and how to fill out an ENTRY TAG for each specimen. Our guest JUDGE was Kathy Carl of New Market Garden Club. Participants learned from Kathy’s remarks what a judge would be looking for and what things led to lost points or disqualifications for entries. Ribbons were awarded and everyone learned from the experience.
Here are some of the items submitted to the Practice Show. (Click to enlarge and use arrows to proceed to next photo)
- Annual flowers submitted in clear glass containers with wedging.
- The serving table arrangment
- Some early entries on the first table
- Some of table 2 teacups