Recommended reading from members and friends

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Here are two URLs to interesting online books recommended by our friend Connie Hoge.

The Miniature Fruit Garden by Thomas Rivers published in 1866. Says the preface: “Those who have only a limited space, and wish to grow pears, apples and other fruits, can, by the system of pinching and root pruning combined, keep their trees as small as pot specimens.”  It was regarded wll enough to have gone through 13 editions by the time the book made it to the U.S.  You can read the entire book online and search for content or download the whole thing from

The Miniature Fruit Garden


Her second recommendation comes from a blog post out of the UK: Out of My Shed entitledThe No Prune (Well, Almost) Method of Tree Training”. It looks like useful practices especially for small space gardening.

No Pruning-Almost


Thanks for the info, Connie!



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