In December, Carroll Garden Club participated in Westminster’s 2014 Christmas Historic House Tour sponsored by the Westminster Historic District Commission to raise money for charity. Our project was to decorate the Old Courthouse built in 1837. We formed a committee in November spearheaded by Julia, Jan, Nancy and Sue to assess the decorative possibilities. Other members agreed to be worker bees and design mentors: Diane, Gayle, Carmen, Jackie, Sally, Katie, Becky and others who assisted in the effort at our December meeting. We had to have all the decor in place on Friday before the Saturday tour which started at 3.
Our efforts resulted in ribboned swags for the upper balcony and entrance ways, swags for the two light posts out front, swags for the bannisters, a pendant wreath hung from the center hall light downstairs, multiple tabletop arrangements for the library, a mantelpiece decoration for the lower courtroom, Carmen’s downstairs desktop arrangement and another secretary and floor arrangement outside the door to the upper courtroom.
Unfortunately, my camera battery died after I had taken but 4 pictures. Lucky for me Jackie took some additional pictures to use but we lack photos for Carmen’s arrangement, Jan’s upstairs desk arrangement and for the upper balcony. Hopefully, Carmen will have some that we can add to these photos below.
- THe first picture does not convey the sheer mass of the columns
- The main courtroom upstairs, balcony is outside this room
- The lanterns are on a slope so Julia was up on a ladder.
- Jan adjusts the ribbons.
- The finished entry swags!
- Becky is so talented.
- The mantel looked outstanding when it was completed.
- A very tall stepladder was required. Jackie and Jan coordinated.
- Here’s a closeup of the finished wreath.
- There are two banisters on opposite sides.
- Nancy and Gayle were in charge of Courthouse library decor.
- A view of the arrangements.
- One of Gayle’s candle arrangements.
- Sorry, it is blurry and hard to see due to picture behind.