Pix from Marjorie

Marjorie explains:
“Sunday May 17, we took a walk in the woods. I have seen lots of [m]ayapple leaves but this is the first time I have seen the flowers. I found just two flowers in a large area covered with [m]ayapple leaves.”
Ed. Here’s a wikimedia photo showing the flower of the mayapple:
Mayapple, P. Peltatum Flower, Wasrts, Own Work. April 2019.  CC BY-SA 4.0
“[The second]  picture was taken today. They are the flowers of the tulip tree.”
Ed. Liriodendron tulipifera or “yellow poplar”. Usually the flowers are too high up in the tulip poplar to see clearly. Hummingbirds consume their nectar.  Often blooms are found on the ground due to squirrels cutting them off.
Featured image: Tulip polar leaf.
Liriodendren tulipifera, PumpkinSky, Own Work, July 2017  CC BY-SA 4.0

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