Our FGCMD Booth at Maryland Home and Garden Show

This is the first year that Federated Garden Clubs of Maryland had an exhibition booth at the Maryland Home and Garden Show in March. All the Districts were asked to find volunteers to man the booth for a couple hours at a time, so Director Lynn Walter and Sue Christensen of  our Carroll Garden Club  volunteered for the Sunday 12-2 time slot.

Each District was responsible for decorating a mannequin head with flowers to be displayed on a long table. Marilyn Potter did a great job on the one for District V (first photo below).  These floral heads proved to be a great draw to people walking by and many of those stayed to look over all the exhibits. Lynn and I were there to answer questions and point out the benefits to joining a club. The other clubs had done a great job putting together exhibits to showcase the many major activities all our clubs support.  We had 40 people, including some men, show an interest in finding more about garden club.

Here are pictures of our booth and a couple of nearby garden decor put out by landscape design exhibitors. (Click to enlarge the gallery)


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