October 2023 Meeting

Carroll garden Club met at Union Bridge Community Center for the October meeting. We had a good turnout on a lovely, sunny day. The hostesses of the day were Laura Balcom, Kit and Karen. As is our custom, hostesses decorate and provide table arrangements as well as provide a light lunch and dessert.

Note the copy of our 2023-2024 Yearbook designed by our very competent Vicki Myers.


There’s a couple crockpots of soup not showing on the right.  Our CGCers are good cooks!


After lunch, Sue Christensen, one of our members who is the current Home Horticulture Program Assistant and Master Gardener Coordinator at the Carroll County Extension gave an in-depth talk about soils, amendments, fertilizers and mulches.  We have a number of members who have received training from the Master Gardener program in past years and for them, this was a refresher!

Julia called the club to order for the business meeting which included discussion about plants grown by members and an amazing piece of art by Jan Halman-Miller intended for showing at the District V Semi-Annual Meeting.


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