October 2017 Meeting

In October, we met at Vice President Jackie Smith’s home for an evening program on outdoor pruning advice  provided by Steve Allgeier, who formerly oversaw Carroll County Master Gardeners and has retired from that position.

Steve Allgeier

It was a beautiful fall afternoon to be enjoying the outdoors. Many husbands of our members attended, so we had a large turnout.  Steve showed the tools of the trade and discussed the merits of best choices for cutting branches. Then he analyzed some trees and shrubs on the Smith property explaining his theory of what to cut back, the timing and length of the process (could be over a several year period to correct some types of problems) and how treatment of shrubs and trees differ.  Feedback later indicated that many husbands returned to their own yards with enthusiasm and a newly critical eye.

Some early arrivals enjoying on the porch.

Great turnout!

Our hosts, the Smiths


We all admired the lower portion of Jackie’s yard where we followed along after Steve.

Usually, we take pictures of our hostess tables, but this event included a potluck where everyone contributed. By the time our program ended, there was a crowd waiting to partake, so no photos were taken, Suffice it to say that the dinner theme was southwestern fare (tacos) or baked potatoes with toppings along with varied salads and cookies. Instead, we’ll show the beautiful stained glass window in her living room and the table arrangements. Jackie’s artistry with her tiles is evident, even in small utilitarian areas.

   A good time was had by all!



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