October 2015 Meeting

For our October meeting, the program committee designed two member show and tells instead of having a speaker.  First, we were asked to bring in our favorite garden tool, displayed first at the entry tables. Brenda asked us to explain why the tool we brought in was our go-to item and for which circumstances. There were special bladed hoes, a scythe, soil and slashing knives, multipurpose tools along with rakes, various snippers, forks, a gardening diary and other tools.

Our second task was to bring something we grew from seed–flowers, vegetables, fruits or other item if applicable. There were pumpkins, zinnias, nasturtiums, alpine strawberries, a clivia, an oak tree, edible greens, herbs and a rhododendron. Sue showed several items grown from seed including  Indian corn, a Korean giant radish, an Italian squash and a vine called Love in a Puff. Lura won a small gift for her zinnia flower with associated seed pack.

Our hostesses had decorated our tables with an amazing array of gourds of all shapes and colors  over autumnal tones with a topiary pumpkin display on the main table. The tea lunch was also delicious with rolls, barbecue, slaw and sweet loaf bread.

We were reminded to assist at the upcoming daffodil planting along Rt 31.





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