New Presidents’ Meeting 2013

New President’s Meeting- Jotted  Notes

Jackie Handley-Federated Garden Clubs of  America
23 Clubs, 823 members since January
The newest club is Longfellow.
Kathie Smith is the state horticultural chair. Has hort ideas for the year. Look on the state website.

Landscape Design Sept 26 @ Balmer Ctr.
Gardening Study Nov 5&6

Jackie’s Project is The Conservatory, which is struggling for funds.

Judy Draper-treasurer. Dues by January 15
Separate checks to each organization, write all at once. Fed dues are $11 per member. District V is $1 per member.
E-filing, federal tax return. Aug 15th latest. Can lose tax exempt status.
Remember to do an audit at end of term of office.

Mikki Stratmeyer-Directory
Directories come in September

Awards– Take a picture of project at start, during and after. Some awards are financial. Go to the national website and get full text. Also are regional and national level (CAR) awards.
Flower Show Evaluation and Book of Evidence.
Designer has to take a pic of arrangement for district awards.
Susan Palmer-Flower Show Eval, critiques.

Barb Stine-
Reminder Holly Hills CC on October 3 for Semi-Annual Meeting.
Reservations should be made as soon as possible to the treasurer with 1 check per club. Each club brings a table centerpiece. Encourage members to come.
Call the head “Madame Director”.

Marilyn Potter-Programs.
Oct 3 is a designer from Virginia Beach.

In clubs when discussion goes on and on, say we have discussed enough, so we’ll go to ad hoc committee instead.
Gather information and restate it, then call on person.

Announcements–send ahead of time to the President in writing and contact person. Also include in e-mailed minutes.

How much money should clubs have at year’s end? Live within your budget. However, you have to be able to justify why you have x amount of money at the end of the year.
501c3-donations are tax deductable. Other groups are more willing to give, a tax advantage.

Blue Star–a lot of work. Took Howard County 18 months. Every member of the club did something. Patience is a virtue. One club found it took 6 years to find the right spot (small group was vociferously opposing). Look ahead and talk to politicians locally. Private properties owned by munic/state on a hwy, work with state of Maryland. Had a nightmare going through many people.
Can’t put marker on private property. State owned property–state board can help the club.
Objections: “If we allow one sign, we have to allow all these others”. In a rest stop, is one idea.
@ $2000 for the Blue Star and the wining and dining. Time and upkeep.
Sally will assemble a committee for District V.

Silent Auction for Black Tie. Review list to see what we would like to sponsor. Could also do a donation as a district. Don’t have to pick from the list.  Want participation by check or service.

Theme of District V this term per Carolyn is Steward of the Land. Talk to members about conservation.
Wants clubs to schedule flower shows.

Habitat for Humanity wants donations of $ more than physical assistance.


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