More Toggery

I think I’ve mentioned before that finding images to illustrate a post can be fraught with concern over copyrighted images being used. The certain cut off date is anything published by 1922. After that, copyright issues have to be searched–did someone renew it? Did Congress extend it? “Congress has passed a series of laws extending the term of copyrights. Currently, the default term is life of the author plus 70 years. That means that most of the copyrighted works created from the late 1970s to the present may not become public domain during your lifetime.”  So if you’ve wondered why so many of the illustrative images on this blog are old timey, that is why.  Thus also my plea—please take photos to share!

Anyway, I digress. It is amusing to compare the evolution of garden togs in advertisements and popular culture.

This first one is from about 1916. The clothing is meant for the “Miss”, so one wonders what the married Madame was wearing–or was she directing the servants to garden in her stead, while young Miss was allowed more direct access? Contrast this to the 1890 painting of the commoner woman with her watering cans on the featured image of this post. Social class niceties will tell…

Older ladies modelling clothing meant for younger ones

This is one of my favorites. I don’t recall who it is other than she’s a famous English gardener who loved working in them herself. I dare say English ladies probably led in this compared to the lagging Americans. Slacks! Possibly 30’s-40’s and dressed for the climate.

Now jump to this advertisement (1940’s-50’s):

Oh my dears! A bare midriff, naked legs and and such upper skin exposure! This is a great change in 30-40 years! But, this is so much easier and more comfortable to work in our humid Mid-Atlantic weather in late spring and summer!


Now, just to look at what crafts see as the gardening lady harkens back to some  earlier period of the herb woman.Kind of interesting, no?

Here’s a short older article from the UK that you may find of interest:

Lady Gardening Pioneers in a Man’s World


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