Monarda citriodora

This is Monarda Bergamo, a plant I grew from seed this year.  I usually grow Monarda didyma in various shades and have some that is reliably perennial. By August, that species has usually been disfigured by mildew, although I understand there are some cultivars that are more resistant.

Monarda Bergamo is shorter than the species and has rich purple whirls of flower clusters. It seems to be attractive to bumblebees and  hummingbirds. There has been no sign of mildew and it still looks good in September. I learned that it is a short lived perennial, often grown as an annual, so  I may end up having to start it from seed again in the spring if it doesn’t self seed.

It can grow well in drier conditions, but mine is planted in amended soil in one of my veg garden beds devoted to flowers on this rotation. Apparently it really likes clay soils.  Also known as “Lemon Beebalm”, it can be used in tea and contains a natural insect repellent like citronella.

Bergamo, Beebalm--Monarda citriodora

Bergamo, Beebalm–Monarda citriodora



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