May 1959

The regular monthly meeting of the Carroll Garden Club, held on May 6th at the Carroll County Historical House, Westminster, was called to order at 2:10 p.m. by the President, Mrs. M.K. Talley. There were twenty-eight active members and one honorary member answering to roll call.

The minutes to the previous meeting were approved as read.

Mrs. L.N. Phillipy, Treasurer, reported a balance of $475.89.

The Corresponding Secretary read the letter of resignation from Mrs. Thomas Hyland, The club members accepted the resignation with regret.

Mrs. Barnes reported the State Board Meeting was held at Cylburn. It was mentioned this (Cylburn) would be a delightful place for our club to plan visiting in the near future.

The following Standing Committee reports were heard:

  • Horticulture–Mrs. Shutter reported on Horticulture Day to be held Wednesday May 13th at the American Legion Home in Westminster beginning at 10:15 a.m. The Carroll Garden Club will be acting as the hostess club.
  • Junior Garden Club– Mrs. Sturdivant reported on the May meeting. The members studied the origin of and fixed May Baskets.* Afterwards, the group attended the May Day Ceremony at Western Maryland College.
  • Mrs. Phillipy reported on the Card Party sponsored by the Garden Club which was held in April. A profit of $100.00 was realized from the project.
  • Mrs. Dowell, chairman of the nominating committee, presented the following slate of officers:
    • President–Mrs. K. Ray Hollinger
    • Vice President–Mrs. Samuel Bare, Jr.
    • Treasurer–Mrs. L.N. Phillipy
    • Recording Secretary–Mrs. Truman Cash
    • Corresponding Secretary–Mrs. Thomas Hughes

Under new business, Mrs. Brigham, club Parliamentarian, led a detailed discussion on the revision of the Constitution of the Club. A few changes were made, after which the members voted unanimously to accept the new Constitution.

Mrs. Talley made the following announcements:

  1. The Biggs Furniture Company, Baltimore, is having a display of arrangements on May 13, 1959.
  2. The Mount Airy Flower Show will be held May 21st–open 2:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.
  3. Silver Fancy Garden Club card party on May 11th at 2 p.m.
  4. A May 23rd Junior Day will be held at Cylburn for all Junior Garden Club members. There will be bird slides, a puppet show and flower arranging.
  5. A word of thanks to Mrs. Bare and Mrs. Weersing for their arrangement in the District Flower Show.
  6. The June  meeting of the club will be in the form of a picnic. Mrs. Ray Hollinger will be the hostess and the hour designated is 12:30 p.m.

Mrs. Charles Kable, program chairman, introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. Bernard Evander. Mrs. Evander is chairman of the Flower Show School in Baltimore District IV and also an accredited judge. Mrs. Evander made lovely arrangements and gave many helpful hints and tricks to be used in the flower arranging. Her topic for the afternoon was “Design Arrangements”. The speaker held the interest of the club members until 5 p.m. at which time the meeting adjourned.

Betty E. Donofrio, Recording Secretary

Hot Link: * A Forgotten Tradition: May Basket Day


Cylburn Mansion by Preservation Maryland

Cylburn Mansion
by Preservation Maryland



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