March 2019 CGC Meeting

We’re back—at the Union Bridge Community Center that is!  What a surprise to see the freshly painted walls, the the change to the windows and the room itself. The color of the walls is now a sort of vanilla that is very light- reflective as opposed to the previous pepto bismol pink. That’s an improvement!  We hope they will install some drapes soon since without soft surfaces to absorb sound there’s an echoing din.  Also removed — the room divider which now brings in light from both front and rear (which never did have curtains). So, using a projector/screen during the day will be a challenge with no shading. We shall carry on…

Our hostesses had conceived of a Mardi Gras theme for March and went to town with the table decor, all the colors and the food choices reminiscent of Louisiana.

Our speaker, introduced by Marjorie who also takes lessons from her, was Reiko Royston. She was showing us various interpretations of Japanese flower arrangements. The pasttime of viewing the beauty of plants through the seasons has a long tradition in Japan.
As the picture taker, I have no notes to refer to, so will state some of what I recall. It was begun in monasteries, a reflected Buddhist principles. Later, it moved outside those confines and became an art form that was practiced by those who were not monks but appreciated the simple beauty and the philosophy. There is a resurgence of the style but with modern twists that breaks through the confines of the old style.

Reiko gave the various positioning names having to do with concepts-for example- father, mother, child, or scenery (foreground, background, height, depth),representations of heavens, earth and so forth. Reiko demonstrated that she may wire plants into the particular horizontal positions she desired. Often there is an evergreen type branch or flowering branch, foliage and floral additions. Or the positioning is the signifier of the meaning. There is a particular esthetic to the art and practice of Ikebana and principles have to be learned. Perhaps one of our note-takers or more knowledgable  members will give a better explanation!

Here are some candid photos from the meeting:


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