March 1958

The regular monthly meeting of the Carroll Garden Club held on Wednesday, March 5, 1958 at the Carroll Historical House, Westminster was called to order the the President MK Talley.  There were thirty members and two associate members present. The minutes to the previous meeting were approved as read.

Mrs. S. Luther Bare, treasurer, reported a balance of $264.39 in the treasury.

Mrs. Talley reported the following from the District V meeting held in Frederick on March 3, 1958:

  1. Horticulture Day is April 30th at 10:30 a.m. in Mt. Airy, Maryland.
  2. The Semi-Annual Meeting of the District is to be held May 6th at the Peter Pan Inn. Mrs. Henry Heineman, Chairman of New York Flower Show Schools for two years will speak on “Antique Containers and Contemporary Arrangements”.
  3. The District Flower Show will be held September 30th at the Episcopal Church in Hagerstown.
  4. There will be a hearing on the Kuckel Bill #S3218 in Room 412 Senate Affairs Building, Washington, DC on March 10th and 11th at 10 a.m. This bill has to do with Roadside Billboard Control.

The Standing Committee chairmen reported the following:

  • Mrs. Eliot, Hospital Chairman, reminded the members of the Rummage Sale to be held March 20th and 21st.
  • Ways and Means Committee–Mrs. Richardson and Mrs. Cash reported on the plans for the Card Party to be held May 5, 1958 at the American Legion Home, Westminster at 1 p.m. Dessert will be served and there will be door prizes and table prizes. Blooming African Violets will be the table prizes.
  • Junior Garden Club — Mrs. Earle Buckey announced there were 22 children present for the March meeting and work has been started on their project for the Flower Show.
  • Garden Pilgrimage–Mrs. Hubbard attended a meeting at the Baltimore Museum of Art.
  • Books–Mrs. R.L. Sebastian announced a postage stamp honoring Garden Clubs would be available in the near future.*
  • Mrs. Talley made the following announcements: There will be a Daffodil Mart at Malcolms and Garden Store on April 17th and 18th, 1958. The Camellia Society of Maryland will hold a Camellia Show in Baltimore, April 18th and 19th at Eastport.

For our program, we enjoyed Wild Flower Slides as part of the Conservation Program. Mrs. Harlow operated the slide projector while Mrs. Samuel Bare Jr. narrated.

The meeting adjourned at 3:45 to meet at the Carroll County Historical House April 2, 1958.

Betty E. Donofrio
Recording Secretary


*Editor: The first stamp to honor gardening was first issued in Ithaca, NY on March 15 on the 100th anniversary celebration of the birth of Liberty Hyde Bailey, a noted horticulturalist, at an event sponsored by Cornell University.  A three cent stamp, it depicts “Bountiful Earth” with her horn of plenty surrounded by fruits, vegetables, flowers and shrubs. A rose and columbine, two popular flowers, are in the right hand corner.  A ten cent envelope was also issued bearing the seal of the National Council of Garden Clubs.

Honoring Garden Clubs

Honoring Garden Clubs




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