Longwood Christmas 2013

Carroll Garden Club members carpooled out to Kennett Square in early December to view “A Longwood Christmas”. It was a cool, cloudy day outdoors, but in the conservatory–what a wonderland awaited!  We split into two groups, each with a tour guide and went our separate ways to meet up again around lunch time.

This years theme revolved around a fruit motif. The main areas of the conservatory were decked out with all manner of trees, theme plantings and Christmas decor. Apparently Longwood has a team that plans the entire extravaganza more than a year in advance and brings in scads of workers to pull the whole things together and maintain it. Most impressive.  The majority of rooms under roof had some sort of Christmas plantings, even if just poinsettias tucked in among the regular plants, but use of living wreaths showcasing plant species and swags or ornaments utilizing plant materials were everywhere.

Some members stayed to see the lights, but most left by 3:30, so there are no pictures here of evening grounds lighting.

(Gallery pictures each open to a separate page. Click on the picture again and it will expand to full jpg size.)


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