Loaded Greenhouse

I put most of my patio and house plants in the greenhouse about two weeks ago and things are looking pretty good. It is loaded with color and it’s about 40 with a wind chill of 31 degrees outside.

As everyone always says you should get a bigger greenhouse than you think you will need, because they are always too small and mine is very packed.

The light blue flower is a plumbago which is an annual here that can grow in a pot or in the ground as a small bush. I have taken cuttings to see if they will root. So far so good.
The white flower is a bougainvillea that blooms in the summer pink, but in the greenhouse it’s mostly white.

There is a croton, a red geranium in one picture. I take cuttings from the geraniums and pass them along at our June meeting.

The tall white flower is a mandevilla that was given to me by a friend that never got it in the ground.

As you can see, there is no wasted space.

My bird of paradise is blooming so I have it in the house to enjoy the flowers.

I hope this brightens up your day.


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