Well, it’s that time in the Carroll Garden Club cycle when one administration ends and we welcome in a new executive board.
We met at the Carroll County Farm Museum in Westminster where it was a cloudy, blustery day and rather dark for picture taking! We were bundled up in our jackets as we gathered under the pavilion roof, sitting at picnic tables. Many of us had brought plants to share at this annual opportunity for a swap. And so we pass along things we love and new plants to try.
Our hostesses (Gayle, Barb, Joan, Terry?) provided different tasty BBQ options, slaw and potato salad for this outdoor picnic and followed up with fabulous strawberry pie and fruity cookie bars. We had a fun opportunity with much laughter, to talk with our garden club friends and to look forward to the summer tours.
- BBQ, Slaw, Potato Salad, rolls…
- Barb Child’s pie
- Chow line
- At table
- Pretty arrangement
- Joan’s roses?
Our special guest was our new District V Director, Jennifer Evans, who inducted our new officers after the luncheon. Our 2015-2017 officers were President Marjorie Schiebel, Vice President* Brenda Powell, Recording Secretary Gayle Mathues, Corresponding Secretary Audrey Whalen and Treasurer Diane Brown.
Stepping up as our new executive crew are President Brenda Powell, Vice President Jackie Smith, Recording Secretary Karen Rock, Corresponding Secretary Nancy Riddle and continuing as Treasurer Diane Brown.
Our outgoing President Marjorie received her gift of a fine container and seemed in a happy hurry (!!) to give over the reins to new President of CGC Brenda, who then gave her first official address and a short meeting to the club.
Due to the inclement weather and the time, the planned tour of the farm museum was abandoned and many of our members chose plants from the swap table and headed to their cars. However, within about 10 minutes of the majority departing, the sun came out!
Brenda, Jackie, Diane and Sue decided to look over the period gardens on the museum grounds that are part of the Master Gardener’s volunteer activities. Diane is a Master Gardener (Retired?) and gave a mini tour, identifying the plants in various areas of the garden that were somewhat unfamiliar to us but would have been easily recognized in times past.
- Part of the garden, animals too.
- Diane identifies a plant for us.
Diane and I also looked over the rose garden behind the museum’s farmhouse as they were getting ready to close for the day. As in many places that rely on volunteers to maintain the gardens, it could have used some judicious weeding, but we could see the intent behind the plantings.
- Back of the farmhouse
- Access ramp to shops, room exhibits. Rose garden.
We all wish our new executives and the new committee chairs the best of luck in carrying out the mission of the club and President Brenda’s ideas over the next two years!