June 2019 Garden Party

On June 5th, we met for a garden party at the gracious home of one of our long term members, Julia Landrum. Julia has been kind enough to be a fairly frequent hostess for our June soirees–it is always a pleasure to see what landscaping changes have occurred in the interim!

Julia has some nice cottage garden self seeders–she often mentions an abundance of larkspur and being overrun by Johnny Jump Ups (viola tricolor)–and this pretty patch of  Love-in-a-mist (Nigella damscena) was a lovely blue in a froth of foliage.

Early arrivals were treated to the sloping backyard vegetable garden while others enjoyed the plantings along the drive and the front walk.  The side yard is also a lovely long border, though the deer are often pests in nibbling off the tops of flowers.

The side yard perennials waiting to bloom.

We gathered in the kitchen, ready to sample the yummy hors d’oevres and luncheon salads prepared by the hostesses for this annual event.

This is the year for the administration roll over into new officers. We say farewell to Brenda Powell, Karen Rock, Nancy Riddle and Diane Brown and welcome our new President for 2019-2021, Terry Conner. Joining her are V.P. Gayle Mathues,  Recording Secretary Denise Meads, Corresponding Secretary Julia Landrum and Treasurer Charlotte Young. We wish them success!

Terry gave recognition to our friend who recently left us, Joan Epler, for convincing her to take on the role of acting VP when our Jackie Smith moved to the west coast–then agreeing to be Carroll’s new President. Outgoing President Brenda says she will “catch up on a lot of garden stuff” that she has not been able to gie attention to for a couple years!

Take one or many! Hauling off the goods.

After the party, there is always a plant swap, which is basically a plant give away and we left happy –planning garden additions with new plants to enjoy.


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