June 1964

The program for the June meeting had the title “We Share Our Gardens” and was a garden pilgrimage and picnic lunch.

The purpose was to allow members of the Club to see how differently members gardened and to allow for the exchange of ideas and plants if so desired. We were fortunate to have a member photographer with us.

The tour started with Betty Sturdivant’s lovely garden and proceeded to Betty Speicher’s then Vivian Barnes, where sherry was enjoyed, on to Helen Talley’s and then Betty Donofrio’s ending at Joanne Hubbard’s for a picnic lunch. The idea proved so enjoyable that the members requested this feature be kept in the program.

Following the reading of the minutes and report of the treasurer, the order of business was as follows:

  1. Mrs. Talley reported on Horticulture and passed out the schedules for the September 30th District Flower Show.
  2. The new Program Chairman, Mrs. Hartzler with her co-chairman Mrs. James Hahn, gave a small preview of our next year’s offerings.
  3. On Wednesday October 7th, our Club will have luncheon at the Hampton House at 12:30 then we will attend the State Flower Show as a group. Reservations must be cancelled by September 20th. The cost is $2.50 including tip.
  4. The auditing committee reported the Treasurer had her books in order.
  5. Mrs. Fitz reported that Mrs. Herbert Crawmer will give a series of 4 classes on Table Arrangements in the Fall.
  6. There was a discussion of the By-laws but no action was taken at this time.

Mrs. Fitz made her yearly reports President reviewing action and programs throughout the previous year. This was followed by reports of Chairmen summarizing their work.
Following the reports, the new officers were installed for the coming year and the names of the new chairmen were presented to the Club.  An Executive meeting was announced for Wednesday August 26th at noon at the President’s home.
The meeting then adjourned.

B. Speicher, Recording Secretary


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