June 1962

The Carroll Garden Club held its regular June meeting on June 6th, 1962 at the home of Mrs. Thelma Shriver. Mrs. Cash presided.

The minutes were approved. Mrs. Glenn Speicher reported on the Flower Show School and cited the profits of $341.28.

Mrs. Cash announced that the Central Atlantic Regional Conference would be held October 1,2 and 3rd and urged our members to plan to attend at least one of the sessions.

Mrs. Frank Elliot installed the new officers for the year 1962-1963.  Mrs. Cash thanked her committee chairmen and members for their cooperation in the past year.

Mrs. Huston Curd moved that our club have a flower show with the Silver Fancy Garden Club on September 14th, 1962. Mrs. S.L. Bare Jr. seconded the motion that was passed by the club. The show will be held at the United Church of Christ in Taneytown, MD. Members were given a tentative list of the horticulture that would be appearing on the flower show program.

Mrs. Ruby Haines reported on the Chestertown Cruise. Mrs. Gatley Flynn reported that she had gone on the tour to the houses in St. Mary’s County and stated that some of the homes were not authentic. She urged that the Garden Clubs in general urge that authentic homes be included on tours.

Mrs. Lester Phillipy reported that she had entertained 23 children and 5 teachers from the Retarded Children’s School at a picnic at her home at Twin Willows. The club voted a big thank you to Mrs. Phillipy for being such an active member of our Garden Club, for being District Bird Chairman and for her grand work with the Retarded Children this year.

Mrs Huston Curd reported that on Junior Garden Day at Cylburn, the Junior Garden Club won the “Award for Promoting All Phases of Garden Club Work”. She showed the horticulture poster that was submitted on Junior Day that was compiled by some of the older members. She stated that every girl in the Junior Garden Club had her own garden.

Mrs. Glenn Speicher, Landscape Design Chairman, reported that Petunias, Zinnias, Ageratum and Geraniums have been planted at the Railroad Parking Lot.  Locust and Dogwood trees have been planted. Fencing and a Crabapple tree are to be planted there in the near future. She stated that she needed volunteer workers for the Historical House gardens. Mrs. Speicher, Mrs. Earhart and Mrs. Hughes have already put in many volunteer hours working in the garden. She stated that her committee had spent a total of  $75.00 and a fence was badly needed at the end of the garden.

Mrs. Gatley Flynn and Mrs. E. Miller Richardson, Program Chairmen for the year asked for suggestions for meetings.
Mrs. Cash announced the following meetings:

  • September 19,20,21   Flower Show School, Course III at Westview.
  • October 23, 1962    Annual Meeting, Peter Pan Inn, Urbana, District V
  • November 7,8,9 1962  Landscape Design School, Course III, Westview. “Order in the Garden”

It was also stated that since District V had such poor coverage in the GardeNews that the District was considering a Newsletter.

Mrs. E. Miller Richardson reported on the condition of the Hospital boxes. She said that because there was no bottom on the boxes, soil and rocks kept sifting downward. The plants are dying but the ivy looked well. Mr. Donofrio was aware of the problem and working towards a solution.

The Auditing Committee was asked to have its report ready for the September meeting.

Mrs. John Fitz requested that perhaps some Garden Club members who were interested in the Hospital Auxillary could give her a day a month to help make artificial arrangements to be sold in the gift shop. Members are to contact Mrs. Fitz if they are interested in helping with this kind of work.

Mrs. Fitz was given a vote of thanks by all club members for her grand leadership and teaching in the Flower Arrangement School held in May.

Mrs. Glenn Speicher led a discussion about changes in the By-Laws. Several changes were made an voted upon and passed. These will be listed on a separate page in the secretary’s book.

No further business was discussed and the meeting was adjourned.

Respectively submitted,
Barbara Peck, Recording Secretary


Editor’s Note: Was the “Railroad Lot” mentioned what is now called the Conaway Lot, where the Downtown Farmer’s Market is located? If so, I suspect that changes were made since 1962 since none of the plantings there look 50+ years old.

Not sure if the RR lot is this one or over where the fire station is now. Either way, these are newer plantings.

Not sure if the RR lot is this one or over where the fire station is now. Either way, these are newer plantings.


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