June 1947

(Note: Meetings were sparse in the years between 1942 and 1947)

Minutes for June 25th 1947

Mrs. Edgar Barnes “Crook-about” near Uniontown was hostess to the Carroll Garden Club for their meeting on June 25th 1947. Two P.M.

Eighteen members responded to the call, which was your favorite flower.  Two visitors present: Miss Ruth Carlisle and Mrs. B.L Cockerel. Minuts from previous meeting read and approved. The possibilities of a fall flower show were discussed. Project committee being: Mrs. Buckey, Mrs. Dowell, Mrs. Edwin Englar,Mrs. Hesson, Mrs. Fogle and Dorothy Zumbrum.

The McKinstry Mills group had charge of program, Mrs. Herbert Snyder, chairman. Mrs. McKinstry read an article on the making of our American flag. Mrs. Dowell gave a very descriptive talk about her recent trip to Honolulu assisted by her niece, Miss Carlisle.

Club adjourned to meet with Mrs. Myers Englar for September meeting. Uniontown group to have program.

Recreation was pictures representing a flower, in charge of Zumbrum girls.

Resp, submitted,

Mrs. Walter Speicher, Pres.

Ruth K. Zollickhoffer, Sect.


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