It’s the June Garden Par-Tay!

For our last meeting of this term, we had our June Garden Party at our VP Brenda Powell’s home. We have visited Brenda’s garden previously, but it was in August so this was an opportunity to see it in a different late Spring mode.

Our hostesses put together some lovely arrangements for the tables featuring luscious peonies and served hors d’oevres and carried plated entrees to all.  I didn’t take pictures of the main course–sorry!

Click to enlarge

Brenda had set up tables indoors while Gayle and Sue very much enjoyed eating outdoors on the covered patio with a pleasant breeze in the shade.

We had our business meeting and honored Nancy Heiberg for *just everything*!  with a Certificate of Appreciation and the gift of a large ceramic planter. We had intended to give her the gift at West End Place for her long years of heading up the work there, but she was unable to attend that.

Our Horticulture Exhibit was displaying blue flowered plants of which there are not many true blue, many trend toward lavender-purple. Some, like our friend Jan, don’t care for intense blues so she had brought very soft silvery blues. Sue won the  Peppermint Patty Prize with her intensely blue Anchusa.

Horticulture Blues

Afterwards, we had the garden tour, led by our hostess. Brenda very much likes container gardens, statuary, garden art & kitsch and experimenting with themes because she is an adventuress at heart. Many enjoyed strolling down the paths as Brenda talked about what was new in her garden, successes and issues. In her vegetable area, the tomatoes were thriving. She said she has to fence in her peppers because her dog is a gourmet who will pluck and eat all her peppers!

Garden Art

What’s growing in Brenda’s Garden:

Made for Shade

The day concluded with our usual June plant swap and all who participated to were happy go home with one or more new items for their garden.






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