Introducing the Website Project

About the Site

What is the purpose?
There are two motivations behind creation of this website. One, is to attract new members, gain good publicity and create an on-going dialog with the public reader of the blog. Second, we want to have an area that is restricted from public view where our club members can access official club business and post intra-club business from committees and allow a place for members to share with one another via pictures or comments.

Who will read it?
People who may be in search of information about joining a garden club, the general public who enjoy browsing and commenting on posts pertaining to the areas federated garden club concerns itself with (horticulture, conservation, etc.) who may learn of it through a browser or social site like FB or Twitter and current members of garden club.

What kinds of information will be on the site?
The designated public area will introduce Carroll Garden Club, its affiliates and activities. A show case of educational articles or posts, photography, illustration, Q&A and musing rambles on various subjects of interest within the scope of the site’s intent for promoting garden club. In the private club area will be capability for maps, timelines for activities, minutes, carpool information, committee reports and discussion and photos or posts meant for club members only.

Why do this?
This is first of all a response to declining membership in clubs and may serve to attract new members. It is also intended as a project that can provide an educational service to the public. For members it provides a clearinghouse to coordinate club activities and where members can see what is going on, being planned and thought about.

Who is this for?
Federated Garden Clubs, our club, the public and me-because I’m learning how to do something new and interesting.

How often will information be added and posted? The areas with photos and blogs are intended to be populated weekly at a minimum. Private areas should be updated in the official section at a minimum of monthly. I am going to propose this to be an ongoing project wherein all members shall participate in which case we should have a good flow of submissions of all kinds. Members can be designated as authors or editors.


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