Introducing EVENTS- plus “Day Trippers” with Rideshare and Calendar

In the Members Only section of the website, there is a category called EVENTS in the menu. “EVENTS” includes normally scheduled monthly meetings, invitations from other clubs to attend something, District V and State of MD meetings plus field trips.  Field trips may refer to an away fieldtrip in lieu of meeting at Union Bridge, a trip scheduled by a particular committee to enhance its mission or a spur of the moment decision to go do something. The two latter are categorized under “Day Trippers“. It gives the opportunity to ask someone else to come along if you’d like that option.  I would like to encourage these fieldtrips as a way of increasing participation. It doesn’t matter if only a couple people decide to go together  as long as we all are actively learning and we can log it in our records as things members are doing.  Please check  Resources for ideas for fieldtrips.   Rideshare is an application I going to trial for arranging transportation.

This is all currently  experimental and the purpose is to put a framework into place for the future. It is also my hope that we become more active online users for organizational purposes.


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