Member since 2002
2013 Publicity and Historian chair
We can thank Joan Mann for bringing Dottie on board with Carroll Garden Club. Like other friendships begin, both were members of the same Homemakers Club and Joan convinced Dot to come to a meeting and now she’s ours.
Dot has been VP and President and is a tireless volunteer on various committees. She’s one of our most reliable workerbees at West End Place and Road Beautification. She can always be counted on to give thoughtful, reasoned advice when asked. She’s been a Master Gardener.
Dot is someone who really likes hands-on gardening. The day I visited she was outside with her workgloves on–just the picture of the natural gardening enthusiast.
She lives on a large 3 1/2 acre property in Westminster where she’s been for 37 years. It is beautifully landscaped by her and her husband, Don. Dot says she moves things around a good deal to improve the look to her eye. There’s shrub borders and flower beds, shade gardens and a manicured walkway that surrounds the enclosed porch. She also has some roses, small bush fruits and a vegetable garden. Dot likes to try new cultivars yearly. Of particular pride is a softly colored heirloom iris that came from her mother that she has multiplied in various locations.
Dot describes herself the kind of person who wanted to learn everything garden club was teaching: “just soaking it up”. She particularly enjoys the horticultural aspect of the club programs and mission. Possessing the virtue of committment, she visualizes our club taking on some more civic projects and community involvement.
- Dottie in her element
- Entryway walk
- Grassy sward set off by garden beds
- Serene Bed
- Expanding a bed
- Parting gift for Dot’s presidency
- Pieris
- Siberian iris
- Healthy roses
- Pass-along iris from Dot’s mother
- The wonderful branch
- Old fashioned iris
- Large viburnum
- Backyard woods