Get Ready for the Backyard Bird Count

Backyard Bird Count 2014 Poster

The 2014 GBBC takes place February 14 through February 17.

 It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3!

1. Create a GBBC account. This applies to those who have never participated in the GBBC before or those who did not participate in 2013 when GBBC was integrated with eBird–a worldwide bird data collection program used for keeping track of your personal bird records and bird lists. You will be able to access all your observations  under a single account. If you’re already registered with eBird or another Cornell Lab citizen-science project, you can use the same login information.

2. Count birds for at least 15 minutes on one or more days of the GBBC. You can count for longer than that if you wish! Count birds in as many places and on as many days as you like—one day, two days, or all four days. Submit a separate checklist for each new day, for each new location, or for the same location if you counted at a different time of day. Estimate the number of individuals of each species you saw during your count period.

3. Enter your results on the GBBC website by clicking “Submit Your Bird Checklist” on the home page. See our downloadable instructions below for additional details on entering your checklists. If you already use eBird, please continue using eBird to submit your sightings but be sure to enter at least one checklist during the GBBC weekend!

Click here to go to the Great Backyard Bird Count webpage!


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