Friends are for…flower arranging

A garden club friend, Connie Hoge, is currently a very busy commuting student attending U of MD at College Park for her Landscape Design degree.  She’s had to take a hiatus from attending our regular meetings but she still manages time to instruct or otherwise be helpful.  She walked over to my house one evening to “kick back” and share a bit of vino with a flat container in hand: “Oh shoot! I forgot the cherry branches!”  So, we walked out front to my Kwazan cherry and she surveyed the branch habits for a while looking for just the right shape as I stood by mystified. Finally selecting one, she looked at the flowering magnolia (Which gets pruned by our truck) and took a small branchlet from that as well.

“Sooooo,” I asked, “what made you think of doing this so late in the evening?”

“Well, it seems to me that someone I know has a fear of doing flower arranging and this is a really easy one.  These branches are holding a conversation with each other.”

Point well made. So were we. And here is Connie’s Ikenobo example that day. (The magnolia flower didn’t last unfortunately but the cherry branches are gorgeously pink).

Ikenobo from cherry and magnolia

Ikenobo from cherry and magnolia



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