Former member says HI

HI – My name is Dottie Irwin and am a past President, now living in Florida. I just have to share with your Marylanders how different it is down here.

It is now April and 80/90 degrees most days. Folks here say we went directly from winter (70 degrees) to summer. I am guessing you folks are still in the winter/spring phase of the seasons. When I moved down here I assumed most of what was growing in my MD garden (and it was a lot) wouldn’t grow down here which is considered Coastal South. Wrong! I have been planting in my new, small garden since February which is quite a difference from MD. There are no rocks here and no clay soil. Sand, yes but I am amending it with each planting. I am amazed that almost everything I had in MD will grow here – day lilies, hydrangeas, everything but bulbs. No spring daffodils or tulips. However, we do have the most amazing amaryllis blooming in March – just outstanding. Those of you who remember me know I had about 3 acres of gardens Now I have a very little bed on one side of the house and a small bed under 2 pine trees. Not the same but not the work either. I love it here and hope to have some conversations with members. Dottie Irwin


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