February Tasks

Courtesy of Rodale’s Organic Life, here is a February to-do list. Carroll County straddles the zones and due to our varied topography, it’s good to look at both zones 6 and 7. Now, lets start those onions and leeks (whoops! time to order veg seeds too!)


  • Under fluorescent lights, start seeds of onions and leeks at the beginning of the month.
  • Near the end of the month, start seeds of broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts indoors under lights.
  • Start slow-growing flowers, such as garden verbena (Verbena x hybrida), stocks (Matthiola incana), wallflowers (Cheirianthus cheiri), and ageratum indoors.
  • If winter has been mild, transplant trees, shrubs, and roses.
  • For the earliest tomatoes, start seeds of Early Girl under lights now. In April, set out the transplants and protect them with Wall O’ Waters.
  • Sharpen pruning shears and use them to prune fruit trees, brambles, grapevines, and late summer–blooming shrubs.
  • Rinse houseplants by setting them beneath your shower.


    • When you see the first crocus open, consider it time to set out transplants of lettuce, cabbages, and onions; cover them on cold nights.
    • In the garden, sow seeds of radishes and cold-hardy lettuces.
    • When daffodils “pop,” plant seeds of spinach, turnips, and peas.
    • Cover the pea bed with clear plastic until sprouts begin to emerge; then, immediately switch to a floating row cover to protect the seedlings from weather and birds.
    • Start herb seeds indoors under lights.
    • Also indoors, start seeds of annual flowers—such as ageratum, petunia, and snapdragons—that need 8 to 10 weeks to reach transplant size.

Rodales Organic Life

Here’s some bright Wallflowers to inspire you!

Wallflowers in bloom


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