February Horticulture Report

Our vegetable gardens yielded some lovely produce last year considering the inconsistent weather we experienced.  Our potato patch “star of the show” was Prairie Blush, an organic potato we purchased through Woodprairie. Copra, a long day onion from Dixondale Farms, is sweet-tasting and very long storing.    Purple Bumble Bee, an organic cherry tomato from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds, produced a huge quantity of crack-resistant fruits with excellent tomato flavor.

    Those of you who may be interested in growing your own mushrooms might wish to check out Field and Forest Products.  Their catalog supplies a wealth of information.  This company carries a wide range of mushroom spawn, explains which species of tree is best for which kind of mushroom and what supplies you would need to get started.     
    The following link will give you invaluable information on the wonderful uses of lavender oil.  The article is really worth reading.  Amazing Uses of Lavender Oil
    Spring is just around the corner and, if you have not done so, now is the time to begin planning your gardens.
Sally Booth

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