February 1959 Minutes

The regular monthly meeting was held at the Carroll County Historical House in Westminster, led by President M.K. Talley with twenty-five members attending.

Mr. William McDonald gave a program about conservation. He showed slides depicting erosion. The main job is to stop erosion which usually occurs in the Fall of the year. Erosion can be controlled by:

  1. contour strip farming
  2. division terrace
  3. seeded waterway

There were scenes depicting local farm parcels.

Treasurer’s report gave a balance of $499.90.

The District V Flower Show will be held April 28th from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. and April 29th 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Hagerstown. The theme will be “Decoratively Speaking”.  It was suggested that the flower show chairman of each individual club take care of entries for her own club. There will be a silver bowl awarded to the club accumulating the most points.

March 19, 1959 will be State Horticulture Day at the University of Maryland.

On May 13th, Carroll Garden Club will be hostess for the District V Horticultural Day which will be held at the American Legion home in Westminster.

Each club has been asked to conform to the National Federation of Garden Clubs and have elections of officials in the Spring.

Permanent headquarters for the National Federation will be dedicated May 10th to 13th, 1959 in St. Louis, Missouri. It was suggested each club contribute $1.00 per member toward the national headquarters.

The roadside bill passed, but must be changed from 600 feet to 660 feet–this change is necessary to get appropriation of Federal Aid. Each member was asked to write in favor of establishment of the C&O Canal recreation project. THe C&O Canal Bill #S-77, James E. Murray, chairman of Interior and Insular Affairs.

Mrs. Talley read a letter of appreciation to the club from Mrs. G. Hunter Bowers, District V Christmas Greens Chairman.

The annual garden Pilgrimage information is now available. The tour will be Saturday April 25th through Sunday May 10th 1959.

Mrs. Sturdivant announced that the meeting of the Junior garden Club will be February 14th. Members are asked to bring crayons in water colors to draw arrangements in a bowl.

Mrs. Hughes reported from the Ways and Means Committee. On Wednesday, April 8th, 1959 at 1 p.m. the club will sponsor a Card Party to be held at the American Legion home, Westminster. Arrangements are being made for 50 tables; there will be table prizes and door prizes. Desserts will be angel food cake with lemon sauce filling frosted with whipped cream.  The cost of the tickets will be $1.00.

A letter was read from Cross Country Garden club asking to tour the garden at the Historical House in Westminster in June and a card of thanks from Mrs. Don Smith, Federation Conservation Chairman for the contribution to the Teacher’s Scholarship Fund.

After announcements, the meeting adjourned at 3:45 p.m.




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